

Diary 2023-09-22

Today's work is all boring curd. Yesterday I finished writing the backend interface and today I'm working on the frontend. It's really boring, so I'm flipping through the documentation and looking at the element-plus documentation, checking details and validation. I've been doing this for two or three days.

Looking back on the process of working on this project, I feel something is not right. I always feel like I'm thinking and working at the same time. I started working on some features, then realized that I should add more details, and then I had to start over and rewrite. It's not very efficient.

I thought about where the problem lies. After analyzing the requirements, I seemed to start designing the backend data structure directly. After designing the database structure, I imagined a few dao layer functions and thought about what functionalities the service layer should provide based on the requirements. Then I started coding without really thinking about what the frontend should have.

Looking at it this way, I skipped too many steps. I should have first thought about what functionalities I wanted to implement and how they would fulfill the requirements. Then I should have broken down the functionalities into smaller parts, deduced what the pages should look like, what APIs the UI would access, what parameters to use for backend interaction, and what kind of business logic the service layer should provide. Based on the business logic, I should have deduced what data structures the database would need...

Oops... I've made this mistake before. I always skip steps and don't think about each task that needs to be done in a top-down manner.

I used to follow a YouTuber named moneyXYZ. Today, I heard a quote somewhere, it goes like this:

Many people quickly choose a topic and then work hard on it. But the results they achieve are not cared about by anyone, so naturally the endeavor fails. The person blames it on "bad luck" and moves on to the next failed venture. They seem to care more about the process than the results.

On the other hand, the successful people I know usually spend a long time searching for a topic, finding important and worthwhile problems in their field. Once they find it, they use all their resources and time to solve the problem.

This reminded me of a video I watched by moneyXYZ about time management, and the viewpoint is similar. To achieve success, you need to put effort into important problems.

But it's easier said than done. I don't know how to find that important topic in my life.

iOS 17 is an epic update for me... Why? Because I discovered that my AirPods Pro 2 can adaptively cancel noise, and they can automatically turn off noise cancellation when I'm talking to my girlfriend... And then it turns back on when I start listening to music again...

It's really smooth and comfortable... It feels so smooth to use.

Today, I started to have some random thoughts again. I'm thinking, if I don't want to work and want to be self-employed, should I switch to frontend development?

Because it seems like many freelance projects are outsourced for non-core projects, especially frontend development, which is easier to get hired for. It seems that if I have more frontend knowledge, I will have a better chance of supporting myself...

Then I can avoid working in an office, and the extra time after completing projects can be used to learn Rust until I can support myself with Rust...

But I'm a bit hesitant... Every time I browse DianYa, I see senior colleagues who have been working for over ten years taking on projects, and I, who have only been working for a year, am trembling with fear...

I've been riding my bike home for a week now, and with the addition of taking medication these past two days and starting to take Fancl's multivitamin tablets, my mind has been very clear at work today... It's important to have some exercise and a balanced diet to maintain a good state...

Unfortunately, my cervical spondylosis still bothers me. My back hurts, and my neck hurts when I shake it...

END! Let's just stop here!

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